being mindful, daily moments, devotions

coffee shop conversation

What do you see when you look at this photo? A coffee shop? A table and chairs? Space?   This is a little spot in a local Starbucks that I visit regularly. And this little spot I notice often. Years ago, before the days of iPhone cameras in our back pocket, I saw a grandpa… Continue reading coffee shop conversation

being mindful, devotions, friends, healthy living

words matter

I was wide awake in the middle of the night with a restless puppy. If I get woken up like that, I'm up, at least for a good hour or two. #frustrating. So, I did a little Pinterest searching. Better than Amazon prime shopping, right?!😜. I came across this great article about positive/negative words and… Continue reading words matter

being mindful, daily moments, family produce project, healthy living

color us healthy

It's a new school year, and I'm trying to start the school year with #goals. As a family, we have worked all summer to cook together and try new foods... Mainly produce items and colors but we tried cooking some new dishes, too. This pic here is my attempt to track our efforts. Tracking has… Continue reading color us healthy

being mindful, devotions

the living word

I spent time getting caught up on my Women Living Well (an Instagram community) Ecclesiastes study this morning and learning more about haste and contentment. Both are good words for me to focus on while on this specific journey God has me on, right here and now in 2016. It's SO easy to get caught… Continue reading the living word

being mindful, daily moments

color my world

Color makes me happy.  I have never done a bible study (picture below) where I marked over the words of my bible so much.  I mean, I LOVE my journaling bible but pretty much stay in the margins.  Color coding so many different colors on so much scripture just felt a little weird when I started. … Continue reading color my world

being mindful, daily moments, devotions, friends

seasons of stories

"He made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he put eternity in man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11. I am loving the @womenlivingwell study! I am learning about Solomon and realizing how similar his story of seeking earthly joys seems… Continue reading seasons of stories

being mindful, daily moments, devotions

the leaning boxwood

I walked out of my garage a couple of weeks ago and this caught my eye. My once straight-up-growing, symmetrical boxwood is now completely leaning forward- growing from the shady porch area towards the light. It's grown all the way to the front of the planter box, because to keep thriving in this spot, it… Continue reading the leaning boxwood

being mindful, daily moments, devotions, healthy living


Tug-o-war.  If you live in our neighborhood, this has been an annual tradition at the elementary school at least since my oldest daughter has been there.  It is an annual competition, a tournament among the grade level classes, that earns you bragging rights for the year. This is a photo of my daughter's 3rd grade… Continue reading tug-o-war

being mindful

waiting at the dentist

After taking my daughter to the pediatric dentist today, I found myself with some extra quiet time on my hands... time to just read and let my mind wander.   I thought I'd share my thoughts here- which are written and listed as randomly as they floated through my head.  Even though it is your… Continue reading waiting at the dentist